testimony, Testimony and MORE TESTIMONY

Testimony needed – tell us your 1.5% Green Energy Technology Stories!

 HB 2496 is up for its public hearing on Tuesday, March 26th in the House Energy and Environment Committee. YOUR HELP IS NEEDED! Our opponents say that our concerns are overblown – please draft testimony to tell your personal story with a 1.5% project.  Were you ready to bid and the project said they weren’t going to fulfill the requirement? Was the 1.5% in the original RFP and then suddenly gone?  Did you have a project that went really well? Tell your story!  Send your testimony to hee.exhibits@oregonlegislature.gov – make sure to say you support HB 2496 and underscore the need for enforcement of the law.

More testimony needed!  Tell the Legislature why small scale renewable energy is important!

HB 2857 is up for a public hearing on March 26th in the House Energy and Environment Committee. This bill is critical for restoring the 8% set aside in the Renewable Portfolio Standard for small scale renewable projects, focusing development in Oregon.  Without this change, the IOUs claim that they’ve met their obligation already.  For more information on the bill, visit http://energizepurpa.com  To submit testimony in support, email  hee.exhibits@oregonlegislature.gov

Even MORE testimony is needed!  Tell the legislature that the PUC needs to consider social and environmental impacts when creating regulations!

HB 2855 has a hearing on March 28th in the House Energy and Environment Committee.  This bill would require the PUC to serve the public interest by: “Developing and implementing policies and rules that encourage social equity, environmental justice, the enhancement of the environment, greenhouse gas emissions reductions, customer choice, the diverse ownership of electric generation systems, the fulfillment of the state’s energy and climate policies and the health of the state’s economy.” This would be a game changer; the PUC has not been able to advance renewable energy like other states have because it is unable to consider climate and the benefits of distributed generation. OSEIA strongly supports this bill and encourages OSEIA members to submit testimony in support.  To submit testimony in support, email  hee.exhibits@oregonlegislature.gov

OSSIA Oregon Solar